I could not have done a lot of this without help. Of course, the numerous web sites maintaining the genealogy information are important. But I have also found a community that goes out of its way to assist each other in this important task.

To the internet for allowing my long lost daughter to find me because of my genealogy postings.
Mr. Jacques Gagne who has provided me so much information researching on his own time.
Mr. Real LaPointe, a cousin who found me via my web site and has helped to clear up many things.
Mr. Daniel Bromby from the ETRC Archives, Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada. He identified for me a picture of Joseph Cameron and validated that Legar Cameron was the Mayor of Coaticook. With his help I have finally (after 5 years) been able to identify Rose Marie Cameron's parents and siblings.
Nathalie Labrie from the Coaticook Tourism office for the pictures of St-Jean l'Évangéliste Church.
Yvonne Weber from La Société des Filles du roi et soldats du Carignan for the information on the Carignan regiment.
Val LaFerrière for her information and assistance translating information. 
Mike LaFerrière for the genealogy information 
Ron Charron of Vancouver, BC for the genealogy information.
Robert LaFerrière for the genealogy information.
Adrienne Bennett for the genealogy information.