My grandfather (Joseph A. LaFerrière moved from
Fall River, Massachusetts to Coaticook, Quebec, Canada which is where my
father was born. Although I do not know a lot about his life there (at
least not yet) he always traveled back to Coaticook and Sherbrooke at
least every other year to visit friends and family. So this page is
dedicated to his memories of Canada.
Old and current pictures of Coaticook, Quebec, Canada |
Coaticook Train Station in 1910 and today |
Sugar Beet Factory in Coaticook circa 1880 |
Main Street looking east in Coaticook circa 1910 |
Downtown Coaticook today |
Bird's eye view of Coaticook, 1881 |
St-Jean L'Evangeliste in 1949, after the fire, and today |
Child Street in Coaticook | Coaticook River Dam |
Sherbrooke, Quebec circa 1905 |