Census Information for Louis LaFerrière

1900 US Census Name: Louis LaFerrière 
Place of Birth: Canada Date of Birth: March 1820
Years Married: 60  Age: 80
Number of Years in US:20 Year of Immigration to US: 1880
Can you read: No Occupation: Landlord
Can you speak English: No Can you write: No
Months not employed:12 Do you own your own home: Yes
Address: 16 Scott St., Fall River, Massachusetts


1900 US Census Name: Catherine LaFerrière 
Place of Birth: Canada Date of Birth: April 1823
Years Married: 60  Age: 77
Number of Years in US:20 Year of Immigration to US: 1880
How many children: 13 How many living: 7
Can you read: No Occupation: Landlord
Can you speak English: No Can you write: No
Months not employed:12 Do you own your own home: Yes
Address: 16 Scott St., Fall River, Massachusetts